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December 14, 2020 2 min read

Here in the Canberra region the grass is green and the skies are blue and as we’re now heading into the middle of the warmest part of the year it’s our responsibility to be sun smart, not only for ourselves but also for our fur kids too!

UV rays aren’t discriminatory and can cause a range of issues like sunburn and even worse, skin damage and skin cancers. Prevention is easier and sometimes cheaper to manage than some of the outcomes of these issues.

How do you choose what is best with so many products on the market? Choose the best fit and whatever is safest for you and your horse. Three great products we stock are:

  1.  SunOff – An all natural mineral powder that provides a barrier against harmful UV rays and is great for sun sensitive skin. You can find it here.

Photograph curtesy Beltana Park Warmbloods

 Photograph courtesy Beltana Park Warmbloods

  1. NRG Pink Nose - NRG Pink Noze is a natural, shield cream for horses with pink and white sensitive skin areas and contains Vitamin E and natural oils. You can find this here.
  1. Wild Horse Fly Veil with Ripstop Nose - Another great seller and one of our personal favourites is the Wild Horse Fly Veil with Ripstop nose. These have many great benefits including a 70% UV Rating and a new nylon mesh with 70% better visibility which offers perfect clear vision and protection around the eye area. In addition, they have a ripstop nose flap for protection against sunburn and are anatomically shaped around the nose to maintain greater airflow to the nostrils. You can find these and more of our wide range of fly veils and masks here.
Wild Horse Fly Veil with Ripstop Nose Profile Wild Horse Fly Veil with Ripstop Nose Portrait

Whatever you decide to use, please make sure you check the fit on a regular basis and when it comes to creams, sprays and ointments, read and follow directions of use for the best outcomes and to keep your horses and ponies safe and happy.